
Taking into consideration the existing demand for travertine in worldwide market VEKS has successfully equipped and reopened its travertine mine.


The total area of the Travertine mine is 7.8 hectares, which is licensed to extract stone for 25 years.
The mine is equipped with a complete set of mining equipment and mechanization, which currently allows producing 1000 to 1500 cubic meters of stone blocks per month.
The production area, located 3 km from the mine, is equipped with primary cutting and block processing equipment.

The stone has a light and dark color, and a variety of processing and cuts:

  • Cross-cut, honed

  • Vein-cut, honed

  • Cross-cut, filled and polished

  • Vein-cut, filled and polished

  • Cross-cut, filled and honed

  • Vein-cut, filled and honed

  • Cross-cut, brushed matt

  • Vain-cut, brushed matt

  • Cross-cut, brushed

  • Vein-cut, brushed

Copyright © 2019 VEKS. Developed by Zhora Khzmalyan